In the hardcopy issues of the old RAG, the band schedule was shown here on page
1. On this web version we ask you to click here band schedule,
or better yet, at the end of this issue, to see the updated band schedule page.
To return to this newsletter from the schedule page, please click the BACK button on your browser.
DEVIL MOUNTAIN RAG (from the tune of the same name, composed by Jean Keeler
in 1982) is published by:
5480 SELLERS AVE., OAKLEY, CA 94561-3612
tel. 925-625-2707, fax 925-625-9403, e-mail: kenkeeler@jazznut.com
Please scroll down to read the other 4 pages of the RAG.
Please Note:
Welcome to the fourth edition on the internet, of the DEVIL MOUNTAIN RAG,
which will continue to be published only on this web site. Always on the web site is the band's current schedule,
updated monthly or whenever a significant change occurs. Elsewhere on the site, you'll find bio's of the band members,
an expanded Photo History (1982 to 2002) of the band, articles from earlier DM RAG's, tune information and order form
for our recordings, and links to other informative trad. jazz web sites.
These features are available by links from the website home page, as well as from this Newsletter.
If you wish an e-mail alert when the next newsletter or significant schedule change is published on the web,
please say so in an e-mail to: kenkeeler@jazznut.com. Also, please add www.jazznut.com to the list of "favorites"
on your web browser, so you can get to our site without the hassle of typing it in every time. I welcome your comments
and suggestions about the newsletter or other sections of the Jazznut.com web site.
Since the last RAG (January 2002), several newsworthy items have occurred, all detailed further down this RAG:
**Release of our new CD, YOU ASKED FOR MORE.
**New committee to manage our Friends of Jazz series.
**Band co-founder, Jean Keeler retires.
Check our schedule page every so often to see if anything has changed.
Our monthly dance series resumes on Oct. 19, under new committee leadership. Virginia Tichenor will chair
the volunteer committee. She's had management experience in the "real world", and brings her youthful energy
to this job. She'll be assisted by a few other members of the band, and several long-time committee members.
I want to thank those who have served on the FOJ committee in recent years: Lynn & Sheila Schloss, Bill & Nancy Larmer, Dick Lawson, Lea Beth Brabec, Bob & Sue McClellan, Everett Mathews, Darrell & JoAnn Linafelter, Ralph & Barbara Humphrey, Brian & Barbara Mathews, Don & Audrey Robertson, Pat & Shirley Campbell, Terry Woodmansee, Patti & Joe Geyser, Joe Swan, Tony George.... These folks and others have faithfully organized and contributed to our monthly events, some for the past 15 years. The band is especially grateful for the wonderful snacks provided for musicians at all the FOJ parties.
Also thanks to the many other volunteers who have helped with set-up and tear-down of the chairs/tables at the hall, and those who manned the admissions table. We are always in need of help, including participation on the committee. Please let me or Virginia know if you are willing to help in the upcoming season.
Friends of Jazz convenes from 7 to 10+ PM on third Saturdays, through May, 2003. The October event will be our annual tribute to the West Coast Revival style, including the music of Lu Watters, Turk Murphy and Wally Rose. In November, we have a special guest entertainer, Charlie Groth from Florida. You'll hear Charlie on piano, guitar and vocals. His forte is country music, but as a pro, he's versed in the blues and a good share of the old jazz repertoire.
In a repeat of our 2000 experiment, holding our holiday party on the third Saturday, December 15, 2001, turned out to be a success. This was due to the wonderful food and deserts by our volunteers and committee members, the Ragtime music of Marty Eggers and Virginia Tichenor, and the sparkling sound of the 8 piece DMJB. We may have a similar format again on December 21, 2002. If YOU, the Friends of Jazz, expect the special features (food) of the Holiday party, we will need significant extra help to produce this event. Let us know if you want the Holiday Party, and if you are able to help with it. We hope you will attend the other seven dance/concert parties we'll have this year.
We need to be able to notify Friends of Jazz regulars, should we get short notice that the Vets Hall
is no longer available. It's inevitable, but probably won't happen until a new facility is available for the
Veterans. Please keep your e-mail address current with us, so we can get word to you in a hurry,
if our event is cancelled or moved to another venue.
Many of you know that we released a new CD this year. YOU ASKED FOR MORE was ready in time for the '02 Sacramento Jubilee, and has been been enthusiastically received in the Bay area. The recording features many of the most requested tunes we have performed in recent years; Little Enough, King Chanticleer, Home.... Players are the "current" band members at our local performances, including Noel Weidkamp, Ken Brock, Virginia Tichenor, and Jim Maihack. Noel was introduced in the April 2000 edition of the rag; Ken and Virginia in the January, 2002 RAG. (previous editions are available from the Rag "start" page- URL at the end of this RAG.) Andrew Storar plays on half of the tunes, and Jean Keeler on many. THREE trumpets are featured on two Louis Armstrong tunes, both special arrangments by Eric Holroyd. Full details on the album are on our Band Recordings page. CDs are available at all our appearances or by mail (order form on the recordings page)
Jean's "Farewell Address"
I'm finding it very painful to have to leave the band, but arthritis, asthma, & other medical problems are forcing me to the sidelines. I've had a fabulous time playing jazz, largely due to beloved husband Ken and to 20 years of working with very talented jazz men. I'll substitute (stiffly) on piano from time to time, but; for the most part, I'll join you in the audience. (I still won't dance, to quote Fred Astaire. Don't ask me.) I'm really looking forward to listening to the band without having to worry about my part in it!
DMJB is so fortunate to have brilliant, young ragtime pianist Virginia Tichenor (photo right by Drew Mercer) step nimbly up to the bench.
She occupies it with great distinction, as you can hear on our new recording.
I found that I couldn't complete the tunes designated for me on our new album, You Asked for More. Virginia had to learn about six tunes in about a week! She not only covered these songs on the CD, she added lovely, fresh ideas to each one of them. (Wait'll you hear her low-down solo on "Savoy Blues!")
I'm sure that you'll love what Virginia adds to our band. I leave the fellows in very good hands! Jean Keeler
RAGTIME RHODIE FESTIVAL, Long Beach, WA : This is one of our band's favorite small festivals, featuring the best trad bands of the northwest, and for seven years, Devil Mountain JB. We enjoyed the 2002 event, and hope you will join us there on April 11 to 13, 2003, for another fine time among the blooming Rhododendrons on the SE Washington coast.
was the usual fun and musically rewarding time for DMJB.
The band played at the designated trad sites, and again performed a special Jim Maihack Show
(arrangements and original tunes by Jim). Eric Holroyd played with the band performing
some of his three trumpet arrangements, mentioned above. Other events featuring members of Devil Mountain included
the "Plucking Wonders"- the Scott Anthony/Ken Keeler banjo duo on the Delta King, the world famous Washboard Concert
in Old Sac. on Sunday, featuring Pete Main on duck-call and our own Allan Grissette among some two dozen clatterboards!
Virginia played many sets at the Ragtime Corner, in addition to most of the band sets.
CLINE WINE & JAZZ FESTIVAL: Our sixth annual event was held at the Cline Cellars Winery in Sonoma in July, 2002. It was a continuation of the old Oakley Wine & Jazz Fest. held in the 1980s. The picturesque setting is just great for this small trad festival, and features many of the San Francisco Bay area's finest Dixieland musicians. We improved many aspects of the event by creating a new venue, the "Great Lawn", with a large tent and dance floor. A tent at the "Mission" site kept the venue more comfortable. Three fine food vendors were present, and those who sampled their fares were happy.
Attendance was down this year, paralleling other recent dixieland festivals' results since 9/11, and the downturn in the global economy. The good news is that the festival will again be held, on July 26, 2003. Check the schedule page of this website in early 2003 for the '03 line-up of bands. We are likely to include some "non-trad" music in order to attract new audiences. Without new folks involved in our festivals, we can not expect to continue events with music only for the " trad. purists".
SONOMA COUNTY DIXIEJAZZ FESTIVAL: This was another gathering of the best trad bands in the west in Rohnert Park, on the third weekend of August, '02. The greatest jazz fans in the west (and a few from the east) were also there. We introduced a new special set, "The Ragtime show." This one, designed and narrated by Virginia Tichenor, sampled music from 1897 through the early 20's, and illustrated the transition from Ragtime to Jazz. We will be doing this show again at the San Diego Thanksgiving Festival in November.
Bill Blythe's cruise #18 will sail on the first weekend of December, 2002, embarking from San Pedro,
CA, cruising to Catalina and Ensenada. The lineup is stellar as always; Uptown Lowdown, Gold Eagles,
Golden Gate Rhythm Machine, Professor Plum's Jazz, and Devil Mountain JB. The cruise follows the three day
San Diego Thanksgiving Fest. (See the band schedule page) You can sign up for both in a convenient and economical package.
Call Captain Bill Blythe at 800-528-1460 for the full details or pick up a flyer at our bandstand. Photo right
is from the 2001 Cruise, showing Ken Keeler, Robbie Rhodes, Bill Kick, and Bill Carson. Some ULJB/DMJB/Professor Plum
Recordings and Red Suspenders for sale: We have items for sale by mail or at the bandstand: A complete tune listing on all the DMJB recordings can be found elsewhere on the Jazznut web site - Band Recordings. We also have a new supply of "You Asked For It" in CD format. Also new on the recordings page are two CDs by Virginia Tichenor
For updates on DMJB's performance schedule, check the Devil Mountain band schedule.
If you would like to know when a new RAG, significant band schedule change, or "new recording" announcement is posted to the web site, send an e-mail to: kenkeeler@jazznut.com.
Well, I think that's about enough priceless information for this issue. Come see us when you can!